Achieving Wellness: A Balance of Mental, Physical, Emotional, Economic, and Spiritual Health


Achieving wellness isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible, either. It takes time and dedication to make the right choices, but doing so can have far-reaching effects on your body and mind in all aspects of your life—social, personal, and professional. If you’re ready to work toward wellness in each area, try these tips to keep in mind as you balance your mental, physical, emotional, economic, and spiritual health on the road to achieving true wellness.


Our mental health and ability to manage stress are essential to our overall wellness. Mental health includes coping with life’s challenges and requires practicing healthy thoughts and useful problem-solving skills. It’s challenging to improve your mental health without first understanding that you have options. It can be difficult to see another way out when we feel stuck in a negative mindset or experience anxiety due to stress at work or home.

Action Items

  • Meditate

  • Seek Counseling

  • Talk to a friend

  • Exercise

  • Spend some time being creative

  • Bring some plants into your home

  • and, manage the other items below: body, finances, emotions, spirituality


Have you ever felt high when you achieved a new career goal, only to be thrown into a low when something doesn’t go as planned? It’s easy to fall into emotionally charged traps that can sometimes feel devastating. Experiencing emotions that are out of whack is not only normal but also an opportunity for growth. Take it from someone who has been there—there’s nothing more freeing than taking control of your thoughts and feelings to move forward. To start doing so regularly, try these exercises for emotional well-being!

Take your emotional pulse. Check-in with your emotions. How are you feeling? Do you know why you feel the way you do? It's important to acknowledge our emotions and focus on maturing emotionally for healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Action Items

  • Be kind to yourself

  • Practice gratitude

  • Spend more time with your friends

  • Take a break

  • Set boundaries

  • Journal about your feelings


Just like we can’t expect our cars to run well if we don’t change their oil every few thousand miles, we can’t expect our bodies to run well without proper care. And contrary to popular belief, regular exercise isn’t just about looking good. It plays a crucial role in many aspects of wellness, including our mental health. Exercise releases endorphins—feel-good hormones that make us feel energized—and helps us combat stress and anxiety. Additionally, physical activity regulates blood sugar levels, which help control cravings for sugar or carbohydrates (which can be especially harmful to people with diabetes). 

Is proper nutrition a part of your everyday life? If not, what steps can you take to create a sustainable nutrition plan? Start simple. Small steps. For example, drink more water every day. Master that, then bring on the next goal: reducing or eliminating sugar. Make a habit of each step for at least 30 days. Bit by bit, every change will have cumulative effects.

Action Items

  • Eat a balanced, nutritious diet

  • Practice yoga

  • Workout with a friend

  • Sleep

  • Self-care

  • Go for a walk

  • Consult an expert if you need help with exercise


Your finances impact your overall wellness. Whether you’re just starting a new job or trying to save for retirement, money matters. To be financially responsible and to have sound financial judgment—you should develop good budgeting skills and understand how to make wise financial decisions. These will come in handy when unexpected expenses arise or planning for your future. Financial responsibility is essential for wellness because it can lead to stability, security, peace of mind, and better opportunities. You’ll feel more secure knowing that if something goes wrong with your life (for example, if you lose your job), there’s still a safety net (your savings). The only way to create proper financial security is by saving regularly while also paying off any debt that you might have accumulated over time.

Action Items

  • Start saving, even a small amount

  • Create a budget

  • Plan for purchases

  • Practice self-control

  • Take an online course on finances

  • Buy a book about finances


Asking questions about our spirituality—and what we’re doing to care for our spiritual growth—is an essential part of wellness. Are you giving back in meaningful ways? What are your thoughts on personal relationships with a higher power? How do you communicate with others about how you feel emotionally? These are just some of the many questions that will help you evaluate your spiritual health. The answers can be different for each person. For example, one person might find their sense of spirituality through service work while another believes strongly in meditation or prayer. However it happens for you, it’s essential to ensure that being connected spiritually is a priority. If you don’t believe in a religion, spirituality can still play an important role in your life. Some people turn to faith during times of crisis, for example, while others look at spirituality as a way to remain calm and centered even when things aren’t going well.

Action Items

  • Pray

  • Meditate

  • Exercise your faith

  • Get involved with your community

  • Volunteer at a shelter

Overall, our wellness is not affected by just one aspect of our life. All of the life choices we make drive our wellness positively or negatively. And understanding what is healthy for you is part of your journey. 


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Peace & Wellness, Dr. Nicole