Aromatherapy 101


What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy consists of using essential oils to obtain health benefits. The molecules that make up essential oils are active principles that exert different therapeutic effects on the body.


What are some benefits of aromatherapy?

The advantages of essential oils can be summarized in these qualities:

  • They act globally. Essential oils have the particularity of working globally: on a physical, nervous, and emotional level, which differentiates them from other natural therapeutic agents.

  • They promote health. They are "eubiotic,” They encourage life by rebalancing the "terrain": they selectively destroy pathogens and promote optimal health.

  • They respect the intestinal flora and favor its balance.

  • They act smart. They "know" where they have to go; they go directly to the organs with which they have an affinity.

  • They gather several properties. They usually have unique and powerful properties. For example, the essential oil of oregano compact is antiviral, bactericidal, fungicidal, anti-parasitic, and immunostimulant.

  • They do not create dependencies.

  • They have no side effects. Respecting the recommendations for use and adequate knowledge, they do not cause side effects in physiological and therapeutic doses.

  • Essential oils balance and harmonize. They stop working when the therapeutic function has been carried out.


Do essential oils act differently depending on the routes of administration?

Aromatherapy benefits can come by air or respiratory (diffusion/inhalation), topical (in massage or local applications), or orally.

When it comes to harmonizing emotional states and disorders of nervous origin, direct inhalation or atmospheric diffusion is recommended (in this case, pure essential oils are used), and the cutaneous application of one or more essential oils, pure or diluted in vegetable oil if they are potentially irritating. In this case, they are used in massage or specific body points.

Most of those who are familiar with aromatherapy are unaware or reject the oral route as a way of administering essential oils. This route is usually supervised by doctors or health professionals since there is a risk of overdose. As we commented at the end of this article, it may be contraindicated in some cases.


Aromatherapy by direct inhalation or atmospheric diffusion: why is smell so powerful?

When we inhale through the nose, an elaborate chemical process begins with great speed. Chemical signals are transformed into electrical responses before reaching the olfactory bulb, from where they are transmitted to the brain.

The smell is the only one of our senses capable of providing us with an emotional experience without the intervention of the rational brain (the neocortex). 

Olfactory information first reaches the limbic system and the hypothalamus, responsible for emotions, feelings, instincts, and impulses. These brain areas are also related to memory and manage the release of hormones. For this reason, smells have the power to modify behavior and bodily functions directly. 

Finally, some odorous information reaches the cerebral cortex and becomes conscious.


How do I easily start with aromatherapy?

We've got you covered if you want to get started with aromatherapy quickly! Experience our aromatherapy candles to create a soothing, relaxing, and calming atmosphere around you! Our Aromatherapy Blend Candles are travel-friendly and naturally enhance any space. Finally, our Healing Mists use simple and pure botanical ingredients to offer hydration and aromatherapeutic benefits. Use Healing Mists as hydrating body/face/hair mists, skin toners, aromatherapy, linen sprays, and air fresheners.


“Aromatherapy conveys the concept of healing with aromatic substances.” 

― Robert Tisserand


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Peace & Wellness, Dr. Nicole

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