Building Resilience


We often hear the term "resilience skills," but what does it mean? And more importantly, how can we develop these skills?

Resilience skills are adapting and coping with adversity, stress, or change. It is about picking yourself up after setbacks and continuing your life or goals.

So, how can we develop resilience skills? Read on for some examples and steps you can take to build your resilience.


What is resilience?


Resilience is the ability to adapt and cope in the face of adversity. It is a crucial life skill that can be developed and improved upon. There are many resilience skills, but some examples include:

  • Being able to cope with stress and adversity

  • Having a positive outlook

  • Being able to set goals and achieve them

  • Being resilient does not mean you do not feel pain or hurt; it just means you can adapt and overcome these experiences. 

Some people are naturally more resilient than others, but it is a skill that we can learn. Many resources are available to help people build resilience, including books, articles, and online courses.


What are the benefits of being resilient?

Resilience is a crucial component of mental health, and it can help protect us from developing mental health problems. There are many benefits to being resilient, including:

  • Resilient people are better able to cope with stress and adversity.

  • Resilient people are more likely to have positive mental health outcomes.

  • Resilient people are more likely to succeed in life.

  • Resilient people are better able to overcome setbacks.

  • Resilient people have higher levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy.

  • Resilient people are better able to manage their emotions.


Why are resilience skills necessary?

In our constantly changing and often uncertain world, resilience skills are more critical than ever. Being resilient means being able to adapt and overcome challenging situations. It's about having the inner strength to keep going despite tough times.

Resilience is a critical life skill that can be learned and developed. It's essential for all of us as we navigate an increasingly complex world. There is always time to learn how to build resilience.


How to build resilience skills

Resilience is a critical life skill that can be learned and developed. Here are some steps you can take to build resilience skills:

1. Build strong relationships

Building strong relationships is vital to build resilience. Strong relationships provide support and encouragement, which can help you through tough times.

There are many ways to build strong relationships. One way is to get to know people and spend time with them. Talk to them about their interests, life experiences, and anything else you think would be interesting.

Volunteering or participating in community events is another way to build strong relationships. It will allow you to meet new people and work together towards a common goal.

Finally, remember to stay in touch with your friends and family members. Check-in with them regularly and tell them what's happening in your life. They'll be there for you when you need them most.

2. Set and move towards meaningful goals

To build resilience, you must set and move towards meaningful goals and have realistic expectations. Trying to achieve an unrealistic goal can set you up for disappointment and frustration.

It can be helpful to set smaller goals that you can realistically achieve in the short term as you work toward your long-term goal. It can help you stay motivated and on track.

It's also important to remember that setbacks are a part of life. If you hit a roadblock, don't give up. Use your resilience skills to find a way around it, or try again later with a different approach.

3. Develop perspective

We can step back from our current situation and see the larger picture when we develop perspective. It allows us to put our challenges into perspective and understand that they do not necessarily indicate who we are or our future. Developing perspective also allows us to have a more balanced view of our lives, which can lead to increased resilience.

There are a few key things you can do to develop perspective:

  • Identify your fixed vs. growth mindset: Fixed mindset people believe that their intelligence and abilities are set in stone, while people with a growth mindset believe they can improve with effort. If you have a fixed mindset, it will be harder for you to develop perspective because you will be less likely to believe that things can improve.

  • Challenge your negative self-talk: We all have an inner critic that tells us we're not good enough, but listening too much can prevent us from seeing the whole picture. Challenge your negative self-talk by questioning its validity and looking for evidence to the contrary.

  • Practice gratitude: It's easy to focus on what's going wrong in our lives, but if we take the time to appreciate what's going right, it can help us put things into perspective. Keep a gratitude journal or make a point of noticing the good things that happen each day.

4. Learn from your past

If you've experienced tough times in the past, don't be afraid to lean on those experiences to help you through present difficulties. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, after all. Use your past as a source of strength, and allow it to guide you as you move forward. Remember the lessons you've learned, the skills you've acquired, and the power you've gained. These are all things that will help you build resilience in the face of adversity.


Examples of resilient people

When we think of resilient people, we often think of those who have faced complex challenges and emerged stronger despite them. But resilience is not just about overcoming adversity; it's also about adapting and facing life’s challenges and prevailing.

Resilience is a critical life skill that everyone can benefit from developing. Whether dealing with a personal challenge or professional setback, developing resilience can help you cope with whatever life throws.

There are many examples of resilient people throughout history who have faced complex challenges and gone on to lead successful and fulfilling lives. Here are just a few:

Harriet Tubman: Born into slavery, Tubman escaped to freedom and became one of the most famous abolitionists in history. She helped hundreds of enslaved people escape to freedom via the Underground Railroad.

Nelson Mandela: Born into a low-income family in rural South Africa and jailed for his political activism during apartheid. He went on to become the first democratically elected president of South Africa after years of peaceful resistance against the apartheid regime.

Helen Keller: Blind and deaf from an early age, Keller became one of the most famous activists for people with disabilities. She wrote several books, including her autobiography The Story of My Life, which was later made into a Hollywood film.


Resilience in the workplace

Resilience is a critical skill in the workplace, where employees constantly face challenges and stressors.

There are many ways to build resilience in the workplace. Some examples include:

  • Identifying and addressing sources of stress: Employees should identify the sources of stress in their work environment and take steps to reduce or eliminate them. It may involve communicating with supervisors, taking on a less demanding workload, or seeking out support from colleagues.

  • Developing a positive outlook: A positive outlook can help employees weather difficult times and see challenges as opportunities for growth. Employees can create a positive outlook by setting realistic goals, practicing gratitude, and reframing negative thoughts.

  • Building supportive relationships: Strong relationships with co-workers, supervisors, and friends can provide much-needed emotional support during times of stress. Employees can build supportive relationships by being friendly and helpful, offering assistance when needed, and sharing personal information on a need-to-know basis.

  • Taking care of physical health: Physical health is essential for managing stress and maintaining resilience. Employees should make sure to eat healthy meals, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep.

  • Practicing stress management techniques: Stress management techniques, such as relaxation and deep breathing, can help employees cope with stress in the moment. Employees should take time to practice these techniques regularly so they can use them when needed.



Resilience is a critical life skill that everyone should develop. It allows us to cope with challenges, adapt to change, and keep going despite setbacks. There are many ways to build resilience skills, but some key steps include identifying your strengths, developing a support network, and practicing self-care. You can start building your resilience skillset today by taking these steps and others like them.


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Peace + Wellness, Dr. Nicole